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The Spanish and Libyan Olympic Committees sign a collaboration agreement

Today, February 27, 2019, the president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco and the president of the Libyan Olympic Committee, Jamal Belghasem Ezarrugh, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities. In the act has also been the general secretary of the Spanish Olympic body, Victoria Cabezas. In order to strengthen ties within the Olympic umbrella and continue with the Olympic spirit of cooperation, both presidents sealed a commitment that includes, among other issues, issues related to sports practice, the...


The British Olympic Committee is interested in the CONPaaS program

The Director of Technologies of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Manuel Pastrana; and his counterpart in Human Resources and Marketing, Manuel Parga, held today, Thursday, January 17, a meeting with two representatives of the British Olympic Committee to present the CONPaaS Project. The secretary general of the Olympic body, Victoria Cabezas, wanted to personally greet the manager of the technological services of the British Committee, Martin Oakley; and financial director David Glassey; and he was interested in the conclusions reached after the...


Olympic Committees from three continents seal the CONPaaS Project

The COE and 27 National Olympic Committees of three continents have sealed today, after a videoconference directed from Spain by President Alejandro Blanco, the implementation of the most ambitious computer project that counts the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and that is directed , promoted and coordinated by the Spanish Olympic Committee. Funded by Olympic Solidarity and sponsored by the IOC, this project began to lay its foundations in Spain in a meeting held in 2015 with all participating National Olympic Committees. The...