Content Management Systems

Content manager to publish the Website of your Olympic Committee

Take advantage of a website for your Olympic Committee already standardized, with content based on online data, modern and dynamic design, which ensures coverage over all the information that a Committee Olímpico needs to expose users.

Improvement of the user experience. A usable and generating web of a great user experience. We create together unique and well-known experiences for the user , which will return tangible benefits in our brand reputation and real benefits in the medium and long term.

CMS Standard

Structured environment to cover all the information needs of an Olympic Committee such as Sports, Games, Athletes, Organizations, Federations, Sponsors…

Attractive Design

Current designs, with dynamism and movement, adaptable to different image needs of each Committee.

Advanced Functionality

Access to tools of other services such as Document Management, Support, Videoconferences, Analytics, etc.

The fastest way to give visibility to your Committee using Technology Your website constantly updated and growing.

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    CMS Standard

    • Structure defined for the needs of the Olympic Committees.
    • Customizable templates for each Olympic Committee.
    • Multi-language interface.
    • Allows a very high level of integration with third-party elements / subsystems.
    • Integrates the entire management and maintenance layer, using a known interface and friendly.

    Attractive Design

    • Modern aesthetics and maximum usability.
    • Optimized application for smartphones and tablets.
    • Responsive design and natural manageability for both clients and users editors.
    • Very reduced learning curve.
    • Presents common and own contents of each NOC

    Advanced Funcionality

    • Publishes management services Integrated access management.
    • Exposes third party services.
    • Expone servicios de terceros.
    • Security and protection against attacks.
    • Native SEO positioning functionality.